Hello ladies! Finally finally finally, I am able to write again! This post will be a haul post, yes honey you read that right. It ain't that much but I am pretty happy I got to spend my money like nobody's business and try out few items that I've been wanting to try or just randomly grabbed anything that I want and affordable at Watsons. So yeah, I will just first include photos and briefly let you girls know what I think about these products!
St Ives Green Tea scrub and Organic Aid's moisturising cream! |
Pure Derm Argan Oil makeup wipes and Maybelline's Lash Sensational Mascara! |
L'oreal Matte Moist Lipstick in Glamor Fuchsia, Essence Longlasting Lipliner in Yummy Berry, Falsies and eyebrow's stencil from MR DIY.
- St Ives Green Tea scrub : I love this! I haven't seen any improvement for my blackheads on my nose. This actually helps to reduce the oil on my face. I include this in my daily skincare routine! Maybe I'll do a separate post for my skincare routine. I got this at Guardian for RM 22 ish.
- Organic Aid's Moisturising Cream : This is love. Having oily skin doesn't mean we're well hydrated. I found this at Guardian and I absolutely love this. It is non greasy and it mattifies my skin when I apply this. I apply this twice a day and I apply extra at night. Got this around RM15 ish.
- PureDerm Argan Oil makeup wipes : This is something that I grabbed unintentionally. Lol. It was on sale and it has Argan Oil to it. Surprisingly, this has captured my heart. Using this to remove my makeup is so easy! Like bamm, all makeups are removed! This has 30 wipes per pack and I think it retails around RM10 ish at Watsons.
- Maybelline's Lash Sensational : I wanted to try this because y'all know I think I am obsessed with mascaras these days. This was on sale. I absolutely love this! No clumping at all and with two or more coats on lashes, it still feels light! Got this at Watsons for RM29.80 (on sale)
- L'oreal Matte Moist Lipstick in Glamor Fuchsia : This is love at first sight. I swatched this on Sunday and I bought this on Monday lelz. Took me overnight to think about it and I knew I had to get it. It's matte but not drying at all! The color is oh my God. It's pink but I think it's leaning towards purple which I love so much! This retails at RM38 ish. Got this at Watsons.
- Essence Longlasting Lipliner in Yummy Berry : I haven't actually got the chance to try this out. But I love the color. The color screams me and yes baby, I'm all about vibrant lipsticks! This retails at RM8.90 (freaking cheap) at Watsons.
- Falsies from MR DIY : I bought this for fun because I wanted to master the art of batting on falsies haha. This looks so natural and I love it. Retails at RM5.50.
- Eyebrows Stencil from MR DIY : I have no idea how to use this but yes I have a feeling this will help me in future. Retails at RM1.30.
I guess that'd be all ladies! Hope you enjoy reading my haul post for August! School's starting soon, I'm excited for my last semester. xx
Until next post, stay tuned beauties!
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